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  • Monitoring Forest Damage with Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Methods, 1st Edition, ed. António C (2024), Wiley Series on Mass Spectrometry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN 978-1-119-86872-9)

  • Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Metabolomics Methods and Protocols, Vol 1778, ed. António C (2018) Humana Press, Springer Publishing (ISBN 978-1-4939-7818-2) 


  • Rodrigues AM and António C (2024) Forest Tree Metabolomics Under a Changing Climate, 1-14p. In: Monitoring Forest Damage with Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Methods, 1st Edition, ed. António C. Wiley Series on Mass Spectrometry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN 978-1-119-86872-9)

  • Rodríguez-Calcerrada J, Rodrigues AM, António C, López R, Domínguez J, Sobrino-Plata J, Gil L and Martín JA (2024) Integration of Primary Metabolism with Physiological and Anatomical Data to Assess Dutch Elm Disease Susceptibility in Three Elm Species — A Case Study, 343-387p. In: Monitoring Forest Damage with Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Methods, 1st Edition, ed. António C. Wiley Series on Mass Spectrometry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN 978-1-119-86872-9)

  • Rodrigues AM, Nunes da Silva M, Vasconcelos M, and António C (2024) Metabolomics of Pinus spp. in Response to Pinewood Nematode Infection, 389-419p. In: Monitoring Forest Damage with Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Methods, 1st Edition, ed. António C. Wiley Series on Mass Spectrometry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ISBN 978-1-119-86872-9)

  • Rodrigues AM and António C (2018) Standard key steps in plant metabolomics: from instrument performance to analytical method validation, 19-31p. In: Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Metabolomics Methods and Protocols, Vol 1778, ed. António C. Humana Press, Springer Publishing (ISBN 978-1-4939-7818-2) 

  • Jorge TF and António C (2018) Quantification of low-abundant phosphorylated carbohydrates using HILIC-QqQ-MS/MS, 71-86p. In: Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Metabolomics Methods and Protocols, Vol 1778, ed. António C. Humana Press, Springer Publishing (ISBN 978-1-4939-7818-2) 

  • Jorge TF and António C (2018) Plant Metabolomics in a Changing World: Metabolite Responses to Abiotic Stress Combinations, 111-132p. In: Plant, Abiotic Stress and Responses to Climate Change, ed. Andjelkovic V. InTechOpen Publishing (ISBN 978-1-78923-123-6)

  • Jorge TF, Florêncio MH, and António C (2017) Porous graphitic carbon liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of drought stress-responsive raffinose family oligosaccharides in plant tissues, 279-293p. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Plant Stress Tolerance Methods and Protocols, 2nd edition, ed. R Sunkar. Humana Press, Springer Publishing (ISBN 978-1-4939-7134-3)

  • Mata AT, Jorge TF, Pires MV, and António C (2016) Drought stress tolerance in plants: insights from metabolomics, 187-216p. In: Molecular and Genetic Perspectives, Vol. 2, eds. Hossain MA, Wani SH, Bhattachajee S, Burritt DJ & Phan Tran LS. Humana Press, Springer Publishing (ISBN 978-3-319-32421-0)

  • Lourenço T, Barros P, Saibo NJM, Abreu IA, Santos AP, António C, Pereira JS, and Oliveira MM (2016) Genomics of Drought, 85-135p. In: Plant Genomics and Climate Change, eds. D Edwards & J Batley. Springer Science & Business Media, New York (ISBN 978-1-4939-3534-5)

  • Marriott AS, António C, and Thomas-Oates J (2015) Application of Carbonaceous Materials in Separation Science, 103-126p. In: Porous Carbon Materials from Sustainable Precursors, ed. White RJ. RSC Publishing, UK (ISBN 978-1-84973-832-3)

  • Päpke C, Ramirez-Aguilar S, and António C (2014) Oxygen Consumption under Hypoxic Condition, 185-208p. In: Low Oxygen Stress in Plants. Plant Cell Monographs Vol 21, eds. JT van Dongen & F Licausi. Springer-Verlag Wien (ISBN 978-3-7091-1253-3)

  • Rodrigues J, António C, Robinson S, and Thomas-Oates J (2007) Mass Spectrometry in Glycobiology, 215-239p. In: Metabolomics, Metabonomics and Metabolite Profiling, ed. W Griffiths. RSC Biomolecular Science Series, RSC Publishing, UK (ISBN 978-0-85404-299-9)



  • Ferreira MJ, Sierra-Garcia IN, Cremades J, António C, Rodrigues AM, Pinto DCGA, Silva H, Cunha  (2023) Biostimulation of Salicornia europaea L. crops with plant growth-promoting bacteria in laboratory and field conditions: effects on growth and metabolite profile. J Appl Microbiol. 134(3): lxad036. doi: 10.1093/jambio/lxad036. PMID: 36841232

  • Nunes da Silva M, Carvalho SMP, Rodrigues AM, Gomez-Cadenas A, António C, Vasconcelos MW (2022) Defence‐related pathways, phytohormones and primary metabolism are key players in kiwifruit plant tolerance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae. Plant Cell Environ 45: 528-541

  • Rodrigues AM, Carrasquinho I, António C (2021) Primary Metabolite Adjustments Associated With Pinewood Nematode Resistance in Pinus pinaster. Frontiers Plant Sci 12: 777681

  • Jorge TF, Ramalho JC, Alseekh S, Pais IP, Leitão AE, Rodrigues AP, Scotti-Campos P, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Fernie AR, António C (2021) Will Casuarina glauca Stress Resilience Be Maintained in the Face of Climate Change? Metabolites 11: 593

  • Rodrigues AM, Jorge TF, Osorio S, Pott DM, Lidon FC, DaMatta FM, Marques I, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Ramalho JC, António C (2021) Primary Metabolite Profile Changes in Coffea spp. Promoted by Single and Combined Exposure to Drought and Elevated CO2 Concentration. Metabolites 11: 427 

  • Rodrigues AM, Langer S, Carrasquinho I, Bergström E, Larson T, Thomas-Oates J, António C (2021) Pinus pinaster Early Hormonal Defence Responses to Pinewood Nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) Infection. Metabolites 11: 227

  • ​Rodrigues AM, Miguel C, Chaves I, António C (2021) Mass spectrometry-based forest tree metabolomics. Mass Spec Rev 40: 126–157

  • Rodríguez-Calcerrada J, Rodrigues AM, António C, Perdiguero P, Pita P, Collada C, Li M, Gil L (2021) Stem metabolism under drought stress – a paradox of increasing respiratory substrates and decreasing respiratory rates. Physiol Plantarum 172: 391–404

  • Gomes AMF, Rodrigues AP, António C, Rodrigues AM, Leitão AE, Batista-Santos P, Nhantumbo N,  Massinga R, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Ramalho JC (2020) Drought response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) landraces at leaf physiological and metabolite profile levels. Environ Exp Bot 175: 104060


  • Rodrigues AM, Ribeiro-Barros A, António C (2019) Experimental Design and Sample Preparation in Forest Tree Metabolomics. Metabolites 12: 285

  • Jorge TF, Tohge T, Wendenburg R, Ramalho J, Lidon F, Ribeiro-Barros A, Fernie A, António C (2019) Salt-stress secondary metabolite signatures involved in the ability of Casuarina glauca to mitigate oxidative stress. Environ Exp Bot 166: 103808

  • Cabral C, Wollenweber B, António C, Ravnskov S (2019) Activity in the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Hyphosphere Warning Neighbouring Plants. Front Plant Sci 10: 511

  • Amaral J,  Correia B,  António C, Rodrigues AM,  Gómez-Cadenas A,  Valledor L, Hancock RD,  Alves A, Pinto G (2019) Pinus Susceptibility to Pitch Canker Triggers Specific Physiological Responses in Symptomatic Plants: An Integrated Approach. Front Plant Sci 10: 509

  • Pinheiro C, Dickinson E, Marriott A, Ribeiro IC, Pintó-Marijuan M, António C, Zarrouk O, Chaves MM, Dodd IC, Munné-Bosch S, Thomas-Oates J, Wilson J (2019) Distinctive phytohormonal and metabolic profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana and Eutrema salsugineum under similar soil drying Planta 249: 1417–1433

  • Cabral C, Wollenweber B, António C, Rodrigues AM, Ravnskov S (2018) Aphid infestation in the phyllosphere affects primary metabolic profiles in the arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphosphere. Sci Reports 8:14442

  • Rodríguez-Calcerrada J, Rodrigues AM, Perdiguero P, António C, Atkin OK, Li M, Collada C, Gil L (2018) A molecular approach to drought-induced reduction in leaf CO2 exchange in drought-resistant Quercus ilex. Physiol Plant 162: 394-408 

  • Duvane J, Jorge TF, Maquia I, Ribeiro N, Ribeiro-Barros AI, António C (2017) Characterization of the primary metabolome of Brachystegia boehmii and Colophospermum mopane under different fire regimes in Miombo and Mopane African woodlands. Front Plant Sci 8: 2130

  • Jorge TF, Duro N, da Costa M, Florian A, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Fernie A, António C (2017) GC-TOF-MS analysis reveals salt stress-responsive primary metabolites in Casuarina glauca tissues. Metabolomics 13:95

  • Goufo P, Moutinho-Pereira JM, Jorge TF, Correia CM, Oliveira MR, Rosa EAS, António C, Trindade H (2017) Metabolomic of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) Leaves and Roots: Osmoprotection as a Physiological Strategy for Drought Stress Resistance and Improved Yield. Front Plant Sci 8: 586

  • Jorge TF, Florêncio MH, Ribeiro-Barros AI, António C (2017) Quantification and structural characterization of raffinose family oligosaccharides in Casuarina glauca plant tissues by porous graphitic carbon electrospray quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry. Int J Mass Spectrom 413: 127–134

  • Mata AT, Jorge TF, Ferreira J, Bronze MR, Branco D, Fevereiro P, Araújo S, António C (2016) Analysis of low abundant trehalose-6-phosphate and related metabolites in Medicago truncatula by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 1477: 30–38

  • Jorge TF, Mata AT, António C (2016) Mass Spectrometry as a quantitative tool in plant metabolomics. Philos Trans R Soc A 374: 20150370

  • Jorge TF, Rodrigues JA, Caldana C, Schmidt R, van Dongen JT, Thomas-Oates J, António C (2016) Mass spectrometry-based plant metabolomics: Metabolite responses to abiotic stress. Mass Spec Rev 35: 620–649

  • Ribeiro-Barros AI, da Costa M, Duro N, Graça I, Batista-Santos P, Jorge TF, Lidon FC, Pawlowski K, António C, Ramalho JC (2016) An integrated approach to understand the mechanisms underlying salt stress tolerance in Casuarina glauca and its relation with nitrogen-fixing Frankia Thr. Symbiosis 70: 111-116

  • António C, Päpke C, Rocha M, Diab H, Limami AM, Obata T, Fernie AR, van Dongen JT (2016) Regulation of primary metabolism in response to low oxygen availability as revealed by carbon and nitrogen isotope redistribution. Plant Physiol 170: 43-56


  • Kleessen S, Laitinen R, Fusari C, António C, Sulpice R, Fernie A, Stitt M, Nikoloski Z (2014) Metabolic efficiency underpins performance trade-offs in growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat Commun 5: 3537-3547

  • António C, Mustafa NR, Osorio S, Tohge T, Giavalisco P, Willmitzer L, Rischer H, Oksman-Caldentey K-M, Verpoorte R, Fernie AR (2013) Analysis of the interface between primary and secondary metabolism in catharanthus roseus cell cultures using 13C-stable isotope feeding and coupled mass spectrometry. Mol Plant 6: 581-584

  • Gechev T, Benina M, Obata T, Tohge T, Sujeeth N, Minkov I, Hille J, Temanni R, Marriott AS, Thomas-Oates J, António C, Mueller-Roeber B, Schippers JHM, Fernie A, Toneva V (2013) Molecular mechanisms of desiccation tolerance in the resurrection glacial relic Haberlea rhodopensis. Cell Mol Life Sci 70: 689-709

  • Sulpice R, Nikoloski Z, Tschoep H, António C, Kleessen S, Larhlimi A, Selbig J, Ishihara H, Gibon Y, Fernie AR, Stitt M (2013) Impact of the Carbon and Nitrogen Supply on Relationships and Connectivity between Metabolism and Biomass in a Broad Panel of Arabidopsis Accessions. Plant Physiol 162: 347-63

  • Kleessen S, António C, Sulpice R, Laitinen R, Fernie AR, Stitt M, Nikoloski Z (2012) Structured patterns in geographic variability of metabolic phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat Commun 3: 1319-1326

  • Wu A, Allu AD, Garapati P, Siddiqui H, Dortay H, Zanor M-I, Asensi-Fabado MA, Munné-Bosch S, António C, Tohge T, Fernie AR, Kaufmann K, Xue G-P, Mueller-Roeber B, Balazadeh S (2012) JUNGBRUNNEN1, a reactive oxygen species-responsive NAC transcription factor, regulates longevity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24: 482-506

  • Pinheiro C, António C, Ortuño MF, Dobrev PI, Hartung W, Thomas-Oates J, Ricardo CP, Vanková R, Chaves MM, Wilson JC (2011) Initial soil water deficit effects on Lupinus albus photosynthetic performance, carbon metabolism, and hormonal balance: metabolic reorganization prior to early stress responses. J Exp Bot 62: 4965-4974

  • ​White RJ, António C, Budarin VL, Bergström E, Thomas-Oates J, Clark JH (2010) Polysaccharide-Derived Carbons for Polar Analyte Separations. Adv Funct Mater 20: 1834-1841

  • Cubbon S, António C, Wilson J, Thomas-Oates J (2010) Metabolomic Applications of HILIC-LC-MS. Mass Spectrom Rev 29: 671-684

  • António C, Pinheiro C, Chaves MM, Ricardo CP, Ortuño MF, Thomas-Oates J (2008) Analysis of carbohydrates in Lupinus albus stems using porous graphitic carbon liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, on imposition of water deficit. J Chromatogr A 1187: 111-118

  • António C, Larson T, Gilday A, Graham I, Bergström E, Thomas-Oates J (2008) Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis of carbohydrate-related metabolites in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf tissue. Rapid Comm Mass Spectrom 22: 1399-1407

  • António C, Larson T, Gilday A, Graham I, Bergström E, Thomas-Oates J (2007) Quantification of sugars and sugar phosphates in Arabidopsis thaliana tissues using porous graphitic carbon liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 1172: 170-178

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